In 2019 we had the opportunity to conduct our 2019 Assessment in Monterey County that included 2,515 adult survey respondents, 574 youth survey respondents, 154 community participants in 23 round-table conversations, and 15 key informant interviews. Through this community engagement we were able to collect rich data in order to have a sampling of Monterey County in order to better understand the context at that point in time.
During the drafting of the report, the Covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed our community’s reality and we at IMC realized the report that we had envisioned needed to be repositioned. From that point we began shifting to the 2020 Report which not only includes data from the 2019 Assessment, but also sources that help position those findings in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the 2020 Report you will also find a “Vision for Recovery” which is intended to help guide our community to not only recover but to “….[build] a more equitable Monterey County that is more resilient in the face of challenges.” (Together, a Healthy, Safe, Thriving Monterey County: 2020 Report to the Community)
You can see the “Together, a Healthy, Safe, Thriving Monterey County: 2020 Report to the Community” below: