With input from nearly 7,400 survey respondents and 400 community conversation participants, the people of Monterey County have articulated a clear vision, set of values, and community priorities through the Impact Monterey County (IMC) community assessment. You can find all the reports and tools used to generate these findings by using the following links:
Vision & Values
Articulated through the community assessment process, the vision and values expressed
by nearly 7,400 Monterey County residents were:
Together, a healthy, safe, thriving Monterey County
The People of Monterey County want to live in a place where: Relationships, based on respect, caring, cultural sensitivity and fairness, foster connectedness and community engagement. Whole person approaches that include support for mind and body are available from the prenatal stage through the senior years. Community voices drive the design and implementation of services and policy development.
Community Priorities
Articulated through the community assessment process, the community priorities expressed
by nearly 7,400 Monterey County residents were:
People are economically self-sufficient, with opportunities for more prosperity
- Quality housing is affordable, acxcessible and available throughout the county
- Quality childcare is affordable, accessible and available throughout the county
- Quality transportation is affordable, accessible and available throughout the county
- Local industry is more diversified and offers high demand, high wage jobs
- Well paying jobs that employ local residents are available throughout the county
- Local workers increase their knowledge and skills to improve their employability
People’s educational achievement supports career aspirations and lifelong learning
- High quality education is accessible throughout the county
- High quality and affordable education for early childhood, college and career training is accessible throughout the county
- Children and youth are supported to achieve grade-level proficiency in each grade
- Children and youth are physically, emotionally, socially and academically prepared to learn
- Parents, caregivers and youth have the support, skills, and knowledge to navigate education systems
- Parents and caregivers have support to develop parenting skills
- Parents and caregivers have support to develop parenting skills
People are mentally and physically healthy
- Affordable health and mental health services are accessible throughout the county
- Health and mental health services can be accessed quickly and conveniently
- The built and natural environments are designed and cared for to support healthy living throughout the county
- Information and resources empower people to live healthy lives
- People choose healthy eating, active living and drug free lives
People are safe
- People feel safe throughout the county
- Social ties within neighborhoods are strengthened
- The community promotes peace and equity
- People are protected from crime or abuse
- Neighborhoods are safe places to live, work and play
The results from Impact Monterey County’s Adult and Youth Surveys and Community Conversations are finally in! Click on the links below to view the final reports:
This report summarizes a nearly 2-year endeavor to collect and analyze data concerning the experiences and aspirations of adult residents of Monterey County. Researchers from California State University Monterey Bay’s (CSUMB) Institute for Community Collaborative Studies (ICCS) worked with Impact Monterey County’s (IMC) Data, Research & Analysis Team (DRAT) members to develop and then implement an Aspirations Survey of Monterey County residents as part of IMC’s Community Assessment of Monterey County.
The 86 question survey was designed to collect information about the concerns and aspirations of Monterey County residents in the areas of education, economic self-sufficiency, and health in order to understand the most effective ways to improve the quality of life in the county. A total of 4,220 valid surveys were collected from July 7, 2014 to October 31, 2014 using online and paper survey instruments which were available in both English and Spanish.
- Adult Survey Executive Summary
- Adult Survey Full Report
- Adult Survey PowerPoint Slides
This report on Monterey County youth surveyed in early 2015, is part of a nearly 2-year endeavor to collect and analyze data on the experiences and aspirations of residents of Monterey County. Researchers from California State Universit y Monterey Bay’s (CSUMB) Institute for Communit y Collaborative Studies (ICCS) worked with Impact Monterey Count y’s (IMC) Data, Analysis & Research Team (DRAT) members to develop and then implement an Aspirations Survey of Monterey County residents as part of the Community Assessment of Monterey County (CAMC).
The 86 question survey which was collected on 4,202 adults, was designed to collect information about the concerns and aspirations of Monterey County residents in the areas of education, economic self-sufficiency, and health in an effort to understand the most effective ways to improve the quality of life in the county.
Likewise, and using the adult survey as a model, a survey aimed at youth was developed to tap into the perspectives and aspirations of this important subpopulation. A total of 2,905 surveys were collected from January to March 2015 using online and paper survey instruments in English.
What Are the Community Conversations?
As part of our community planning efforts, we are engaging with the public this summer by holding a series of Community Conversations throughout the county. We are doing this because we believe that it is essential to incorporate the voice of the people who live and work in Monterey County into our community planning. The conversations are taking place in English or Spanish from June 01 – August 31, 2019 and include the following:
- 5-10 people gathering in a relaxed, inviting setting – a home, workplace, church or neighborhood center
- Conversations take place in English or Spanish
- 90 minutes of discussion about participants’ aspirations for our community’s quality of life – What kind of community do you want?
- Questions focus on aspirations in the areas of health, safety, education, and financial stability
- IMC can provide a facilitator and a note-taker for each Community Conversation
- IMC can train you to be a facilitator anr/or note-taker for each Community Conversation
- Individual names and personal information are not shared as part of results
Want More Information?
If you’d like to learn more about joining a conversation near you, please send an email to clare.margason@unitedwaymcca.org.
IMC’s core values indicate that the survey data need to be useful to the local community, have detailed user-friendly summaries, and be available online. To this end, steps have been taken to develop online views of the data that utilize cross tabulations by demographics, residence, and population characteristics, that were not done in the published report that was county-wide in scope.
The data shown from Impact Monterey County are intended for the purpose of learning and continuous improvement around shared community goals. These data are a reflection on the entire county, which shares accountability for current the reality and for future results. They are not, and cannot be used, as evidence of the success or failure of one particular program, organization, or population – and they should not be used in public or media communications without full and complete context, citation and clear acknowledgement of the broadly shared accountability for results.
Download a copy of Methods Employed for Impact Monterey County's (IMC)
Adult Experiences and Aspirations Survey and Online Data Availability.
Primary Data Search
Impact Monterey County (IMC) used primary data as part of its approach to zero-in on community aspirations, conducting a survey for both adults and youth to surface community aspirations and understand common challenges. More than 4,300 adults and 2,800 youth in Monterey County were surveyed (percentage breakdown of survey respondents by zipcode pictured above). Instead of coming from a place of deficit, IMC asked people their hopes for the future, gaining a unique insight into the dreams and realities of a variety of community members. Using this approach, IMC has been able to articulate a vision of the Monterey County people WANT to live in. The vision, values and priorities residents shared are what unites Monterey County residents across diverse communities and tells the story of a county more similar than it is different.
Links to primary survey data cross-tabulating responses by demographics, residence, and a variety of population characeristics are published below and can be used to inform further work throughout Monterey County. IMC data should be thought of as a flashlight, shining a light on opportunities for improvements and on existing bright spots. The data do not analyze or evaluate any one system or program.

Adult Survey Findings
click on the links for interactive data stories
Youth Survey Findings
click on the links for interactive data stories
Economic Self-Sufficiency
The data shown from IMC are intended for the purpose of learning and continuous improvement around shared community goals. These data are a reflection on the entire county, which shares accountability for current the reality and for future results. They are not, and cannot be used, as evidence of the success or failure of one particular program, organization, or population – and they should not be used in public or media communications without full and complete context, citation and clear acknowledgement of the broadly shared accountability for results.