Scorecards are designed to help organizations throughout the county collaborate to improve the overall quality of life in their communities and the health and well-being of all in the county.
Strategies and measures throughout this dashboard represent the work of many initiatives and collaboratives in the county, including 21st Century Gonzales Youth Initiative, Bright Beginnings, Bright Futures, Community Alliance for Safety and Peace (CASP), Health in All Policies, Monterey County Collaborates, and Monterey County Gang Violence Prevention Initiative.
Scroll down to see our partner’s scorecards

Bright Futures
Bright Futures aims to accomplish 7 main goals for our community.
- Goal 1 – Early Care & Education: Children have access to quality, affordable early care and education.
- Goal 2 – Kinder-Ready: Children are prepared for kindergarten.
- Goal 3 – Language & Literacy: Children read and write on grade-level in elementary school.
- Goal 4 – Critical Thinking: Middle school students collaborate to solve real-world problems by applying critical thinking, math, and technology.
- Goal 5 – Youth Connectedness: Youth experience caring relationships, high expectations and meaningful engagements.
- Goal 6 – College/Training Ready: High school grades are prepared for college or job training and are supported to pursue their career aspirations.
- Goal 7 – Career Pathways: Young adults complete a career pathway, program or degree that qualifies them to enter a promising career.
Visit the website to learn more about these goals and their indicators.
MBEP Regional Dashboard
The Monterey Bay Economic Partnership has created a beautiful dashboard on Monterey Bay Region. The dashboard provides interactive charts of various demographic and housing indicators in the region. Some demographic related topics include: population, age, ethnicity, median family income, self-sufficiency wage standard and more.
County of Monterey Health Department Dashboard
The County of Monterey Health Department has launched DataShare Monterey County which allows users to interact with local, state, and national data to understand the realities in Monterey County. This comprehensive resource includes data related to Health, Economy, Education, Environment, Government & Politics, Public Safety, Social Environment, and Transportation.
For more information on how your organization can participate in this collaborative process, please contact
Krista Hanni
Evaluation, and Policy Manager, Monterey County Health Department
- (831) 755-4586
Kalyssa King
- (831) 372-8026